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Diagnose in a matter
of seconds


Electromagnetic Imaging

At Previeni, we are developing an innovative medical imaging device that leverages the power of  electromagnetic waves to provide a faster, portable, and safer2 examination than joint Ultrasounds & X-rays or CT scans

Our mission is to give every patient access to high-quality medical assessments to timely plan the best treatment, regardless of their location or situation.

Time is of the essence in medicine, which is especially true when it comes to diagnosing patients with Urgencies. In Italy alone, over 1 million people1 yearly are affected, requiring prompt joint X-rays and Echography exams. Not only is this process slow, but it almost always requires moving the patient elsewhere, increasing time to diagnosis and mortality.


Quicker than a FAST Echography Scan


1.5 Kilos

By using innovative composite materials, 3D Printing, and an AI-driven efficient design tools we can reduce our device weight down to 1.5 Kg, and make Previeni’s portability as effortless as carrying a bottle of water.

100+ Scans

Previeni is battery powered, and can perform more than 100 scans on a single battery charge, making it a perfect companion for urgency scenarios where down time and delays are not an option.

90% less CO2

Previeni consumes up to 90% less energy than currently used exams. Translating to significant cost savings for hospitals and reduced carbon footprint of medical facilities. For example,  typical CT head-scan takes up to 1200 w/h3 of energy. In contrast, our solution needs only 12w/h/scan, saving at least 400g of CO2 per each avoided CT scanand over 1.000.000 tonnes yearly in Italy4,1.


Lower Mortality & Length of Stays at the hospital

Point-of-Care Diagnosis

By enabling doctors to scan patients directly at their beds, Previeni allows for easier monitoring of urgencies, and a more comfortable experience for patients. This can reduce mortality and length of stay at the hospital by up to 50% as shown for cardiac infraction and ischemia patients5,6,7.

Making patients comfortable is especially important in the presence of pain in the torso and chest area, like for COVID-19 or other respiratory pathologies, where waiting times for X-ray imaging can be long and cumbersome.

In addition, the  diagnosis guidance provided by our AI, based on a probabilistic model,  gives doctors an indication of the probability that a particular diagnosis is correct. Therefore, AI can help doctors to make more accurate diagnoses, leading to highly effective treatment plans and better patient outcomes.


At the service of doctors

Previeni’s imaging algorithms  are also highly versatile and sophisticated, capable of generating images for every part of the body in seconds, without contacting the patient, and with no prior training to use it. This versatility can help doctors to identify abnormalities and diagnose a wide range of medical conditions.

Moreover, our technique can distinguish between different types of tissues based on their relative electrical parameters, tracking their changes even with a patient that cannot stay still.

Thanks to this advancement, Medical Doctors can identify the type of tissue they are looking at, whether it is blood, cerebrospinal fluid, fat tissue, etc. and their characteristics. This level of detail and accuracy is critical in making accurate diagnoses and setting the best possible therapy in a timely manner.


to setup: ready to go, always, for everyone.

Data Internally provided by Mandic Merate Hospital, based on 36.000 patients in 2019 (pre Covid-19)
New England Journal of Medicine – Computed Tomography, An Increasing Source of Radiation Exposure – (Link)
3 Radiological Society of North America – The Energy Consumption of Radiology: Energy and Cost saving Opportunities for CT and MRI Operation – (Link)
4 Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e Ricerca Ambientale –  (Link, pg. 12) – CO2 emission savings based on 1200Wh/scan energy consumption, assuming worst case scenario of Previeni’s solution consuming 500W for a 10 minutes scan (83Wh), with the emission factor for national gross thermoelectric production in Italy for 2020

5 Cho KH et All, Korea Acute Myocardial Infarction Registry (KAMIR) Investigators*. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023 Jul 4;12(13):e029728. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.123.029728. Epub 2023 Jun 22

6 Schull MJ, et All.The risk of missed diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction associated with emergency department volume. Ann Emerg Med. 2006;48(6):647-655. doi:10.1016/

7 Pope JH, Aufderheide TP, Ruthazer R, et al. Missed diagnoses of acute cardiac ischemia in the emergency department. N Engl J Med 2000;342:1163-70